Andrer Breton, Surrealist, Surrealism, Books by Andre Breton, Surrealist Books, Surrealist art
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Who's coming in
It's me pull yourself together if you want me to put you together
The closet is full of linens
There are even moonbeams that I can unfold
You've changed
Here's the proof that you have changed
The gifts they give the newborns in their cribs
Are almost the same arrow shows the direction yo're coming from
Where you're going
Your heart is on the path of that arrow
Your eyes which will again shine bright cloud over the mist of things
Your hands grope along a road for the dark needle that can prevent a catastrophe
You see the woman you have loved
Without them seeing you you see them without them seeing you
The black wolves in turn pass behind you
Who are you
Shadow of an evildoer on the high walls
Shawdow of a signalman stretching farther than the signal
I am the primary innocent party
My head rolls from on high where my steps will never fail
What makeup
No one will recognise me
Later between the stones in a heap
The window is wide open
On that magnificent heap
Bend forward
Bend forward to change again
It is indeed you who dend and change
That photgraph you forgot to have toned
Is so like you