Andrer Breton, Surrealist, Surrealism, Books by Andre Breton, Surrealist Books, Surrealist art
1896 - 1966

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Books by 
or about 
Andre Breton

Manifestoes of Surrealism 
Andre Breton  Helen R. Lane (Translator)  Richard Seaver (Translator)

Nadja by Andre Breton, Richard Howard (Translator)

Revolution of the Mind : 
The Life of Andre Breton by Mark Polizzotti

Mad Love by Andre Breton, Mary Ann Caws (Translator)

Communicating Vessels = Les Vases Communicants 
(French Modernist Library)
by Andre Breton, Mary Ann Caws (Translator), Geoffrey T. Harris (Translator)

Notebook of a Return to the Native Land (Wesleyan Poetry)
by Aime Cesaire, Annette Smith (Translator), Clayton Eshleman (Translator), Andre Breton (Introduction)

Constellations of Miro, Breton
by Paul Hammond

Anthology of Black Humor
by Andre Breton (Editor), Mark Polizzotti (Translator)

The Automatic Message, the Magnetic Fields, the Immaculate Conception (Atlas Anti-Classics)

by Andre Breton, Philippe Soupault, Paul Eluard, David Gascoyne (Translator)

Andre Breton with Donati's sculpture "Fist", which was included in the 1947 exhibition Le Surrealisme en 1947 at Galerie Maeght, Paris.

1930 - Tristan Tzara, Paul Eluard, Andre Breton, Hans Arp, Salvador Dali, Yves Tanguy, Max Ernst, Rene Crevel,Man Ray

1960 Left to right:Gerad Legrand, Nicole Espagnole, Alain Joubert, Joyce Mansur, Robert Benayoun, Radovan Ivsic, Jose Pierre, und Roger van Hecke; obere Reihe: Aube und Eves Elleouet, Elisa Breton, arsene Bonafous-Murat (halbverdeckt hinter George Goldfayn) Andre Breton, Samir Mansour,Edouard und Simone Jaguer.

Surrealisten-Zentrale 1924.Von links oben: Jaques Baron, Raymond Queneau, Andre Breton (vor einem Gemälde de Chiricos) Roger Vitrac, Paul Eluard, Roger Vitrac, Robert Desnos, Louis Aragon; unten: Pierre Naville, Simon Collinet-Breton, Max Morise, Marie-Louise Soupault

breton_eluard.gif (74529 octets)
Paul Eluard et André Breton
Photo : © Man Ray, collection Lucien Treillard, Paris


"Jugement de l'auteur sur lui-même"   (author's own's jugedment)
(It is in the book "Dictionnaire abrégé du surréalisme"   (surrealism's short dictionnary))




André Breton with Leon Trotsky and Diego Rivera, Mexico 1938

Outside Max Ernst's first exhibition in Paris: Breton, Soupault, Rigaut, Peret and Charchoune, 1921 

André Breton and Wassily Kandinsky on the balcony of 135 bld de la Seine à Neuilly / Seine